
Tuesday, 4. November 2008


Name: Jiryo Doyu (Nickname: "Skills")
Age: 18
Bloodtype: AB
Occupation: Transfer HIgh School Student (Senior--Studying abroad on special grant of the Hakuryuzan Group)
Nationality: Japanese/American
Deck Type: "Just Heroes" Deck
Main Monster(s): S.O.T.H Justman, Justdynamo, etc...
Profile: An eccentric young man who sometimes acts stoic around others--often to make himself look cool. Has a strong sense of justice and hates seeing the weak being preyed upon. Hates doing work and is declared a delinquent and ne'er-do-well among many of his teachers and staff (but somehow gets high grades, despite this.)

Name: Xing Xue Xhen (Nickname: "Bancho")
Age: 16
Bloodtype: 0
Occupation: High School Student (Senior--Skipped)
Nationality: Chinese/Japanese
Deck Type: "Sacred Chinese Beast" Deck
Main Monster(s): Hulong the Lord of Sacred Beasts, Axe-Tailed Tiger, etc...
Profile: A roughneck yet extraordinarily brilliant young girl who has gained a reputation among her neighborhood's populous as "Bancho Xing." Even intimidates the teachers and staff at her school to sanction her mismatched school uniform. Gets along well with Jiryo because of their strikingly similar "who cares" personalities.

Name: Rina Matsuki
Age: ?? (Physically: 18)
Bloodtype: ??
Occupation: None
Nationality: North American Cat Spirit
Deck Type: "Cat" Deck
Main Monster(s): Hellcat, Guardcat of the Living World and Next, etc...
Profile: A mysterious young girl who lives with Jiryo and often acts as his caretaker of sorts. Her pet cat is named Horo (nicknamed "Horo-chan.")

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Supplemental Page Outlines...
A few pages I'm adding to chapter one to act as a faux-narrative...
Tatsunoboshi Horoko - 12. Dec, 00:18
Update: Chapter 1 - Page...
Needs some fixing and corrections:
Tatsunoboshi Horoko - 21. Nov, 18:57
Update: Chapter 1 - Page...
These are heavily unfinished drafts of pages 2 and...
Tatsunoboshi Horoko - 18. Nov, 00:54
Wow, that's soooooooooooooooooooo...
Wow, that's soooooooooooooooooooo awesome!!! Please...
-Aska- - 14. Nov, 19:39
Update: Chapter 1 - Page...
Unfinished draft of page 1 of chapter 1. Added text...
Tatsunoboshi Horoko - 13. Nov, 23:28





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